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  • Sarah Tang

Oh Deer

Written by Sarah Tang of Poolesville High School

I woke up to the pleasant chirping of birds and a lush green field—a smell and sight I had not seen in while. For the last several moons, all I had experienced was a cold, white sensation, combined with crunchy brown leaves and a lack of color in the world. The morning sun, though its colors were dampened by the clouds overhead, brought a burst of energy into the world. I pranced around the glowing rays of sunlight and basked in its glory. A stray butterfly caught my eye, dancing as if it wanted me to follow it. It led me to the clear stream filled with various fish and aquatic creatures. The stream, ever so glistening and fluid, invited me to rub noses with it. Under the warm spring sun, it was passionate and tepid; the perfect feeling to better the first feeling of springtime.

But all too soon, a wave of horror sprung up onto me.

Where were my parents?

My entire world shattered.

I sprinted back into the shady forest with the dreaded thumps in my heart alerting every shrew and rat in the muddy ground. Panic consumed me until a roaring waterfall stopped me in my tracks.

At the base of the waterfall was the last thing I wanted to see.

My worst nightmare came true.

Two shriveled up hunks of light brown lay in misery, side by side under a pitiful evergreen tree as if they were desperately trying to create heat.

My family had not survived the bitter rage of Mother Nature for the last few moons.

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